Self-driving Cars 101

Full Disclaimer: I am a software engineer working in the self-driving industry and was a graduate student studying Robotics. I am really enthusiastic about self-driving, and I am willing to share what I have learned throughout the journey. I will strive to make things correct and cross check most of the info I get, but please bear with me if I got something wrong and please don't hesitate to email me at

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Learn about self-driving cars and how to become a self-driving car engineer.

Hi there! Welcome to

Here, we would like to explain to you what self-driving cars are all about in the most simple and concise way. I know, I hate reading long, long articles as well. Shall we start?

What Is a Self-driving Car?

A self-driving car, a.k.a. an autonomous vehicle(AV), is really trying to replace your eyes and ears with high-end sensors, replace your brain with some decision algorithms, and replace your hands and legs with automatic control signals. Just picture yourself sitting in a fully autonomous car, watching Netflix, checking your Instagram posts, and not paying any attention to what is happening outside until a voice equipped in the car tells you that you have arrived at your destination. Sounds cozy? Unfortunately, we are not there yet.

There are countless companies working on solving this problem nowadays. We could say that the whole autonomous vehicle industry is exploding. More and more research is also going on in universities. In the meantime, governments are trying to catch up on the policies and laws for this new era of transportation. We are actually in the middle of this unprecedented evolution. To be involved in this magical time period, or even find yourself a place in this industry, let us dig into this exciting knowledge together!

How To Read This Website

There are five main sessions on this website:

  • Overview
  • Relevant Technology
  • Market Observation
  • Knowledge Intake
  • How To Become A Self-driving Software Engineer

To briefly get a picture of this field, we recommend you to read Overview first and Relevant Technology next. Those articles will not be too long, so they definitely will not take up much of your time.

To keep your knowledge updated, please visit Market Observation and Knowledge Intake from time to time. In Market Observation, summaries and news of either partnership among companies or new technology stacks announced will be regularly collected, purified, and posted. As for Knowledge Intake, notes about AV-related online courses and papers will be organized in a way that you could gain the idea behind those sources without going over them piece by piece. If you want to acquire a deeper understanding of some particular aspects, the original source of the materials will always be provided.

Finally, if you are so enthusiastic about this technology that you would like to be a part of it, you may want to visit the session How To Become A Self-driving Software Engineer. We will strive to provide content that is useful to teach yourself necessary knowledge about this industry and the skills you need to get into one of those AV companies. Or even build a start-up if you have great ideas, great people around you, and great opportunities!

That is all you need to know about this website. Together, let’s build a better world.